Category Archives: Pediatrics

Hand and Upper Extremity Fractures in Children and Adolescents


Authored by Jeffrey Wint, MD A child’s bone is different than a fully-grown adult’s. There are different types of fractures in children than adults. There are special patterns of injury and fracture for children of different age as well. These differences influence the treatment and care of a fracture in a child’s upper extremity. When a child fractures a bone, the degree of injury, the location, the type of bone injured as well as the age of the child plays

Migraine Headaches


  Migraine headaches are a common medical problem and a frequent cause of disability.  In fact of adults over the age of 18, migraines are one of the top 20 causes of disability worldwide.1Severe migraine attacks are actually classified by the WHO as one of the most disabling diseases. 2 In the 2011 National Health Interview survey, 16.6% of adults over the age of 18 reported having migraines or other severe headaches in the previous 3 months.  It was found